I'm still working on my silly program which I promised you on Wednesday. In the meantime, I had another brilliant idea for travellers in any place infested with pickpockets.
There already exist pickpocket-proof pants, with hidden interior pouches which only the wearer can reach. However, I would take it a step further and make ANTI-PICKPOCKET PANTS!
A battery pack and transformer generate a high-voltage current running through the fabric on either side of the pocket, but the circuit cannot be completed because of little plastic spacers. When someone reaches his or her filthy burgling fingers into the pocket, it completes the circuit and shocks the aforementioned filthy burgling fingers.
Of course, this means that YOU have to be wary and never stick your hands into the pockets without first turning off the electricity. Then you have to remember to turn it back on before entering a place with pickpockets. But hey, inadvertently shocking yourself is half the fun!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
I'm going to write a sort-of decent explanation of what I'm doing this summer, so I have an easier time explaining it to people later.
I have an unpaid internship at Caltech doing computational chemistry, modeling 3-d shapes of proteins. Knowing the shape of proteins is important to understand how they react to chemicals, electrical impulses, body tissue, plasma cannons, &c. Proteins are comprised of chains of amino acids. The chain can be less than ten or more than ten thousand. However, they don't stay as one long chain. They fold, according to chemical structures, temperature, acidity, and other constraints until the structure looks like any number of amorphous blobs smooshed together.
Now, proteins are tiny little things, so the shapes can only be really determined by inputting the chain and a ridiculous number of other variables into a computer simulation and then waiting weeks for it to fold. However! Many proteins have similar structures and functions, and follow the "you've seen one you've seen them all" rule. By using comparisons, it is possible to take the already-formed protein, replace the dissimilar amino acids with the ones from the mystery-protein's sequence, and then fold that. This saves a lot of time and makes it far more efficient.
Well, I think it's cool.
I have an unpaid internship at Caltech doing computational chemistry, modeling 3-d shapes of proteins. Knowing the shape of proteins is important to understand how they react to chemicals, electrical impulses, body tissue, plasma cannons, &c. Proteins are comprised of chains of amino acids. The chain can be less than ten or more than ten thousand. However, they don't stay as one long chain. They fold, according to chemical structures, temperature, acidity, and other constraints until the structure looks like any number of amorphous blobs smooshed together.
Now, proteins are tiny little things, so the shapes can only be really determined by inputting the chain and a ridiculous number of other variables into a computer simulation and then waiting weeks for it to fold. However! Many proteins have similar structures and functions, and follow the "you've seen one you've seen them all" rule. By using comparisons, it is possible to take the already-formed protein, replace the dissimilar amino acids with the ones from the mystery-protein's sequence, and then fold that. This saves a lot of time and makes it far more efficient.
Well, I think it's cool.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Garbage cans
Houston has interesting trash cans. They're mounted on axles so that garbage collectors can simply tip it over and dump the cans' contents into a truck or whatever. Unfortunately, this means anyone can tip the cans' contents out, including raccoons, squirrels, Ted Turner, and other consumers of trash. I wonder if kiwis eat trash. Perhaps the Kiwi Union is in cahoots with the Texas Municipal Board Whatever It's Called. THOSE CONNIVING FLIGHTLESS DECEIVERS!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I'm baaack!
I'm back from Houston, mostly unscathed. I have a lot of random musings that individually are worthless, but together make for sort of decent blaggery. I'll try and spread them out for a few days' worth of updates.
* * * * * * *
I don't know anything about catalysts in reactions, but it seems to me like a reaction that used marble (CaCO3) as a catalyst could be very useful in discreetly planting explosives. Put the reacting chemicals on the lip of a marble column, and the marble would de-form, catalyse the reaction, and re-form, sealing the reactants inside. It would tunnel through unnoticed! If one could get a little detonator to piggyback down the tunnel before it re-forms, no one would suspect a thing!
* * * * * * *
Airplanes are crowded places. Please make everyone's flight more tolerable by not being any of the following:
• The comedian. We get it, you make bad jokes. Some of them are funny. But please, learn some moderation. Not everything has to be snarky and sarcastic. Pronouncing "Phoenix" as "fu-wee-nix" every single time gets old really quickly.
• The person who laughs at the comedian. Aaaaaaaaaarhgblble.
• The parent with a baby. Hey, did you know that babies can feel the rapid pressurisation and depressurisation of planes far more sensitively than you can? Their inner ears are so sensitive that the changes in pressure are painful. Babies will scream on flights.
• The Game Boy. It has a volume knob. Turn it down NOW.
• The parent with the baby (again). One more thing for you: When your kid sees that the plane has stopped moving and taxied towards the gate, he will want out. However, everyone in the aisle seats get to stand up first, take out their luggage, and start to lumber towards the door. This takes time, and most people are standing for quite a while before the queue moves at all. This is when the baby goes crazy. "IT'S TIME TO GET OFF WHY IS NO ONE MOVING I WANNA GO AWAY WAAAAH." I think spirits should be complementary--no, mandatory--for babies, so they'll be knocked out for the duration of the flight and most of the trip home.
I don't know anything about catalysts in reactions, but it seems to me like a reaction that used marble (CaCO3) as a catalyst could be very useful in discreetly planting explosives. Put the reacting chemicals on the lip of a marble column, and the marble would de-form, catalyse the reaction, and re-form, sealing the reactants inside. It would tunnel through unnoticed! If one could get a little detonator to piggyback down the tunnel before it re-forms, no one would suspect a thing!
Airplanes are crowded places. Please make everyone's flight more tolerable by not being any of the following:
• The comedian. We get it, you make bad jokes. Some of them are funny. But please, learn some moderation. Not everything has to be snarky and sarcastic. Pronouncing "Phoenix" as "fu-wee-nix" every single time gets old really quickly.
• The person who laughs at the comedian. Aaaaaaaaaarhgblble.
• The parent with a baby. Hey, did you know that babies can feel the rapid pressurisation and depressurisation of planes far more sensitively than you can? Their inner ears are so sensitive that the changes in pressure are painful. Babies will scream on flights.
• The Game Boy. It has a volume knob. Turn it down NOW.
• The parent with the baby (again). One more thing for you: When your kid sees that the plane has stopped moving and taxied towards the gate, he will want out. However, everyone in the aisle seats get to stand up first, take out their luggage, and start to lumber towards the door. This takes time, and most people are standing for quite a while before the queue moves at all. This is when the baby goes crazy. "IT'S TIME TO GET OFF WHY IS NO ONE MOVING I WANNA GO AWAY WAAAAH." I think spirits should be complementary--no, mandatory--for babies, so they'll be knocked out for the duration of the flight and most of the trip home.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Un descuento en los fuentes
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person to whom this has happened. On several occasions, I've walked into a place that sells fountains of various sizes and varieties and purposes. I like fountains, and naturally start gawking. Then, suddenly, BAM! I see that that little six-inch-tall waterfall thingy costs SIX BILLION DOLLARS AND IT'S THE CHEAPEST ONE IN THE WHOLE COMPLEX! How sad. I suppose I'll never get a fountain. Unless....
Cue daydream!
...Welcome to Sam's Discount Fountainarium! Here you can fulfill all your fountain- and waterworks-related needs without breaking the bank! Instead of stone, bronze, cement and resin, we use the highest-quality laminated bamboo and ABS plastic! To save even more money, we make all our water pumps ourselves in the back of the warehouse out of stuff our interns steal from the municipal dump! We even offer fountainettes that fit in your hand, for those snotty individuals who want to be "zen" wherever they go!
End daydream!
Man, I could seriously make money selling those mini-fountains to faux-Buddhist hippie Angelinos. Those dudes are gullible.
Cue daydream!
...Welcome to Sam's Discount Fountainarium! Here you can fulfill all your fountain- and waterworks-related needs without breaking the bank! Instead of stone, bronze, cement and resin, we use the highest-quality laminated bamboo and ABS plastic! To save even more money, we make all our water pumps ourselves in the back of the warehouse out of stuff our interns steal from the municipal dump! We even offer fountainettes that fit in your hand, for those snotty individuals who want to be "zen" wherever they go!
End daydream!
Man, I could seriously make money selling those mini-fountains to faux-Buddhist hippie Angelinos. Those dudes are gullible.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ode to a Peanut Butter Sandwich I Saw Stuck to a Tree
O peanut butter sandwich I saw stuck to a tree,
For what purpose could you possibly be
Mounted right there, stuck to a tree?
Peanut butter sandwich, you mystify me.
Did some young hooligan fasten you there
using the natural stickiness of PB?
Or perhaps some mystical voodoo force
leaves bread stuck there very firmly?
I'm pretty bad with poetry
and not that good with rhymes, you see.
But the point I'm trying to make here is
I saw a peanut butter sandwich, stuck to a tree.
For what purpose could you possibly be
Mounted right there, stuck to a tree?
Peanut butter sandwich, you mystify me.
Did some young hooligan fasten you there
using the natural stickiness of PB?
Or perhaps some mystical voodoo force
leaves bread stuck there very firmly?
I'm pretty bad with poetry
and not that good with rhymes, you see.
But the point I'm trying to make here is
I saw a peanut butter sandwich, stuck to a tree.
Monday, June 11, 2007
What I'm about to do would have been illegal about 50 years ago.
Ils étaient là de sept à huit cents, à tout le moins. De taille moyenne, mais robustes, agiles, souples, faits pour les bonds prodigieux, ils gambadaient sous les dernières clartés du soleil qui se couchait au-delà des montagnes échelonnées vers l'Ouest de la rade. Le disque rougeâtre disparut bientôt, et l'obscurité commença à se faire au milieu de ce bassin encadré de sierras lointaines de Sanorra, de Ronda et du pays désolé del Cuervo.
Soudain, toute la troupe s'immobilisa. Son chef venait d'apparaître sur ce dos d'âne maigre qui forme la crête du mont. Du poste de soldats, perché à l'extrême sommité de l'énorme roc, on ne pouvait rien voir de ce qui se passait sous les arbres.
"Sriss!...Sriss!..." fit entendre le chef, dont les lèvres, ramassées en cul de poule, donnèrent à ce sifflement une intensité extraordinaire.
Un être singulier, ce chef, de haute stature, vêtu d'une peau de singe, poil en dehors, la tête embroussaillée d'une chevelure inculte, la face hérissée d'une barbe courte, les pieds nus, durs en dessous comme un sabot de cheval.
Il leva le bras droit et le tendit vers la croupe inférieure de la montagne. Tous aussitôt de répéter ce geste avec une précision militaire, il est plus juste de dire mécanique – véritables marionnettes mues par le même ressort. Il abaissa son bras. Ils abaissèrent leurs bras. Il se courba vers le sol. Ils se courbèrent dans la même attitude. Il ramassa un solide bâton qu'il brandit. Ils brandirent leurs bâtons et exécutèrent un moulinet pareil au sien – ce moulinet que les bâtonnistes appellent "la rose couverte".
Puis, le chef se retourna, se glissa entre les herbes, rampa sous les arbres. La troupe le suivit en rampant.
En moins de dix minutes, les sentiers du mont, ravinés par les pluies, furent dévalés, sans que le heurt d'un caillou eût décelé la présence de cette masse en marche.
Un quart d'heure après, le chef s'arrêta. Tous s'arrêtèrent comme s'ils eussent été figés sur place.
A deux cents mètres au-dessous, apparaissait la ville, couchée le long de la sombre rade. De nombreuses lumières étoilaient le groupe confus des môles, des maisons, des villas, des casernes. Au-delà, les fanaux des navires de guerre, les feux des bâtiments de commerce et des pontons, mouillés au large, se réverbéraient à la surface des eaux calmes. Plus loin, à l'extrémité de la pointe d'Europe, le phare projetait son faisceau lumineux sur le détroit.
En ce moment éclata un coup de canon, le First gun fire, tiré de l'une des batteries rasantes. Et alors, les roulements de tambours, accompagnés de l'aigre sifflets des fifres, se firent aussitôt entendre.
C'était l'heure de la retraite, l'heure de rentrer chez soi. Aucun étranger n'avait plus le droit de courir la ville, sans être escorté d'un officier de la garnison. Ordre aux équipages de rallier le bord, avant que les portes fussent fermées. De quart d'heure en quart d'heure, circulaient des patrouilles qui conduisaient au poste les retardataires et les ivrognes. Puis, tout se tut.
Le général Mac Kackmale pouvait dormir sur ses deux oreilles.
Il ne semblait pas que l'Angleterre eût rien à craindre, cette nuit-là, pour son rocher de Gibraltar.
On sait ce qu'il est, ce rocher formidable, haut de quatre cent vingt-cinq mètres, reposant sur une base large de douze cent quarante-cinq, longue de quatre mille trois cents. Il ressemble quelque peu à un énorme lion couché, la tête du côté de l'Espagne, la queue trempant dans la mer. Sa face montre les dents – sept cents canons braqués à travers ses embrasures – les dents de la vieille, comme on dit. Une vieille qui mordrait dur, si on l'agaçait. Aussi l'Angleterre est-elle solidement postée là, comme à Pékin, à Aden, à Malte, à Poulo-Pinang, à Hong-kong, autant de rochers dont, quelque jour, avec les progrès de la mécanique, elle fera des forteresses tournantes.
En attendant, Gibraltar assure au Royaume-Uni une domination incontestable sur les dix-huit kilomètres de ce détroit que la massue d'Hercule a ouvert contre Abila et Calpe, au plus profond des eaux méditerranéennes.
Les Espagnols ont-ils renoncé à reprendre ce morceau de leur péninsule? Oui, sans doute, car il semble être inattaquable par terre ou par mer.
Cependant, il y en avait un que hantait la pensée obsédante de reconquérir ce roc offensif et défensif. C'était le chef de la bande, un être bizarre, on peut même dire fou. Cet hidalgo se nommait précisément Gil Braltar, nom qui, dans sa pensée sans doute, le prédestinait à cette conquête patriotique. Son cerveau n'y avait point résisté, et sa place eût été à l'hospice des aliénés. On le connaissait bien. Toutefois, depuis dix ans, on ne savait trop ce qu'il était devenu. Peut-être errait-il à travers le monde? En réalité, il n'avait point quitté son domaine patrimonial. Il y vivait d'une existence de troglodyte, sous les bois, dans les cavernes, et plus particulièrement au fond de ces réduits inaccessibles des grottes de San-Miguel, qui dit-on, communiquent avec la mer. On le croyait mort. Il vivait, cependant, mais à la façon de ces hommes sauvages, dépourvus de la raison humaine, qui n'obéissent plus qu'aux instincts de l'animalité.
Il dormait bien, le général Mac Kackmale, sur ses deux oreilles, plus longues que ne le comporte l'ordonnance. Avec ses bras démesurés, ses yeux ronds, enfoncés sous de rudes sourcils, sa face encadrée d'une barbe rêche, sa physionomie grimaçante, ses gestes d'anthropopithèque, le prognathisme extraordinaire de sa mâchoire, il était d'une laideur remarquable – même chez un général anglais. Un vrai singe, excellent militaire, d'ailleurs, malgré sa tournure simiesque.
Oui! Il dormait dans sa confortable habitation de Main Street, cette rue sinueuse qui traverse la ville depuis la Porte-de-Mer jusqu'à la Porte de l'Alameda. Peut-être rêvait-il que l'Angleterre s'emparait de l'Egypte, de la Turquie, de la Hollande, de l'Afghanistan, du Soudan, du pays des Boers, en un mot, de tous les points du globe à sa convenance – et cela au moment où elle risquait de perdre Gibraltar.
La porte de la chambre s'ouvrit brusquement.
"Qu'y a-t-il? demanda le général Mac Kackmale, en se redressant d'un bond.
- Mon général, répondit un aide de camp qui venait d'entrer comme un obus-torpille, la ville est envahie!...
- Les Espagnols?
- Il faut le croire!
- Ils auraient osé!..."
Le général n'acheva pas. Il se leva, rejeta le madras qui lui serrait la tête, se roula dans son pantalon, s'enfourna dans son habit, descendit dans ses bottes, se coiffa de son claque, se boucla de son épée, tout en disant:
"Quel est ce bruit que j'entends?
- Le bruit des quartiers de roches qui roulent comme une avalanche sur la ville.
- Ces coquins sont nombreux?...
- Ils doivent l'être.
- Tous les bandits de la côte se sont-ils donc réunis, sans doute pour ce coup de main: les contrebandiers de Ronda, les pêcheurs de San-Roque, les réfugiés qui pullulent dans les villages?...
- C'est à craindre, mon général!
- Et le gouverneur est-il prévenu?
- Non! Impossible d'aller le rejoindre à sa villa de la pointe d'Europe! Les portes sont occupées, les rues sont pleines d'assaillants!...
- Et la caserne de la Porte-de-Mer?...
- Aucun moyen d'y arriver! Les artilleurs doivent être cernés dans leur caserne!
- Combien d'hommes avec vous?...
- Une vingtaine, mon général, des fantassins du 3è régiment, qui ont pu s'échapper.
- Par Saint Dunstan! s'écria Mac Kackmale, Gibraltar arraché à l'Angleterre par ces vendeurs d'orange!... Cela ne sera pas!... Non! Cela ne sera pas!"
En ce moment, la porte de la chambre livra passage à un être bizarre, qui sauta sur les épaules du général.
"Rendez-vous!" s'écria-t-il d'une voix rauque, qui tenait plus du rugissement que de la voix humaine.
Quelques hommes, accourus à la suite de l'aide de camp, allaient se jeter sur cet homme, quand, à la clarté de la chambre, ils le reconnurent.
"Gil Braltar!" s'écrièrent-ils.
C'était lui, en effet, l'hidalgo auquel on ne pensait plus depuis longtemps, le sauvage des grottes de San-Miguel.
"Rendez-vous? hurlait-il.
- Jamais!" répondit le général Mac Kackmale.
Soudain, au moment où les soldats l'entouraient, Gil Braltar fit entendre un "striss" aigu et prolongé.
Aussitôt, la cour de l'habitation, puis l'habitation elle-même, s'emplirent d'une masse envahissante...
Le croira-t-on? C'était des monos, c'était des singes, et par centaines! Venaient-ils donc reprendre aux Anglais ce rocher dont ils sont les véritables propriétaires, ce mont qu'ils occupaient bien avant les Espagnols, bien avant que Cromwell en eût rêvé la conquête pour la Grande-Bretagne? Oui, en vérité! Et ils étaient redoutables par leur nombre, ces singes sans queue, avec lesquels on ne vivait en bon accord qu'à la condition de tolérer leurs maraudes, ces êtres intelligents et audacieux qu'on se gardait de molester, car ils se vengeaient – cela était arrivé quelquefois – en faisant rouler d'énormes roches sur la ville!
Et, maintenant, ces monos étaient devenus les soldats d'un fou, aussi sauvage qu'eux, de ce Gil Braltar qu'ils connaissaient, qui vivait de leur vie indépendante, de ce Guillaume Tell quadrumanisé, dont toute l'existence se concentrait sur cette pensée: chasser les étrangers du territoire espagnol!
Quelle honte pour le Royaume-Uni, si la tentative réussissait! Les Anglais, vainqueurs des Indous, des Abyssins, des Tasmaniens, des Australiens, des Hottentots, de tant d'autres, vaincus par de simples monos!
Si pareille catastrophe arrivait, le général Mac Kackmale n'aurait plus qu'à se faire sauter la tête! On ne survit pas à pareil déshonneur!
Cependant, avant que les singes, appelés par le sifflement de leur chef, eussent envahi la chambre, quelques soldats avaient pu se jeter sur Gil Braltar. Le fou, doué d'une extraordinaire vigueur, résista, et ce ne fut pas sans peine qu'on parvint à le réduire. Sa peau d'emprunt lui ayant été arrachée dans la lutte, il demeura presque nu dans un coin, bâillonné, ligotté*, hors d'état de bouger ou de se faire entendre. Peu de temps après, Mac Kackmale s'élançait hors de sa maison, résolu à vaincre ou mourir, suivant la formule militaire.
Mais le danger n'en était pas moins grand au-dehors. Sans doute, quelques fantassins avaient pu se réunir à la Porte-de-Mer et marchaient vers l'habitation du général. Divers coups de feu éclataient dans Main Street et sur la place du Commerce. Toutefois, le nombre des monos était tel que la garnison de Gibraltar risquait d'être bientôt réduite à leur céder la place. Et alors, si les Espagnols faisaient cause commune avec ces singes, les forts seraient abandonnés, les batteries seraient désertées, les fortifications ne compteraient plus un seul défenseur, et les Anglais, qui avaient rendu ce rocher imprenable, ne parviendraient plus à le reprendre.
Soudain, un revirement se produisit.
En effet, à la lueur de quelques torches qui éclairaient la cour, on put voir les monos battre en retraite. A la tête de la bande marchait son chef, brandissant son bâton. Tous, imitant ses mouvements de bras et de jambes, le suivaient d'un même pas.
Gil Braltar avait-il donc pu se débarrasser de ses liens, s'échapper de la chambre où on le gardait? On n'en pouvait plus douter. Mais où se dirigeait-il maintenant? Allait-il se porter vers la pointe d'Europe, sur la villa du gouverneur, lui donner l'assaut, le sommer de se rendre, ainsi qu'il avait fait vis-à-vis du général?
Non! Le fou et sa bande descendaient Main Street. Puis, après avoir franchi la porte de l'Alameda, tous prirent obliquement à travers le parc et remontèrent les pentes de la montagne.
Une heure après, il ne restait plus dans la ville un seul des envahisseurs de Gibraltar.
Que s'était-il donc passé?
On le sut bientôt, quand le général Mac Kackmale apparut sur la lisière du parc.
C'était lui qui, prenant la place du fou, avait dirigé la retraite de la bande, après s'être enveloppé de la peau de singe du prisonnier. Il ressemblait tellement à un quadrumane, ce brave guerrier, que les monos s'y étaient trompés eux-mêmes. Aussi n'avait-il eu qu'à paraître pour les entraîner à sa suite!...
Une idée de génie tout simplement, qui fut bientôt récompensée par l'envoi de la Croix de Saint-George.
Quant à Gil Braltar, le Royaume-Uni le céda, contre espèces, à un Barnum qui fait sa fortune en le promenant à travers les principales villes de l'Ancien et du Nouveau-Monde. Il laisse même volontiers entendre, le Barnum, que ce n'est point le sauvage de San-Miguel qu'il exhibe, mais le général Mac Kackmale en personne.
Toutefois, cette aventure a été une leçon pour le gouvernement de Sa Gracieuse Majesté. Il a compris que si Gibraltar ne pouvait être pris par les hommes, il était à la merci des singes. Aussi, l'Angleterre, très pratique, est-elle décidée à n'y envoyer désormais que les plus laids de ses généraux, afin que les monos puissent s'y tromper encore.
Cette mesure vraisemblablement lui assure à jamais la possession de Gibraltar.
Man, I really wish I knew what that said. It's by Jules Verne, it's about monkeys and Gibraltar! Stupid language barrier!
Anyway, the point is that copyright expiry is cool.
Friday, June 8, 2007
It's still Friday for a few minutes! This isn't cheating!
With school culminating, it's time to look back on everything I've accomplished this year, within school and outside it.
Yeah, I've finished almost nothing I've set out to do. I have most of the parts for a mechanical TV and the guts of a single player piano motor module (of my own design, of course) sitting on my workshop desk, which is cluttered and filthy. I still haven't gotten a new soldering iron tip. I haven't read as many books as I had hoped, and there are half-finished papercrafts and origami too numerous to list littering my room. I've yet to pick up any etchant for my steampunk blinds project. I have a slide rule guide to post for NP that just needs some pictures MSPainted, and I haven't done that yet; there's also a music one that needs to be continued and a dictionary thing that I need to finish. It's stupid, but I can't help but feel depressed by my lack of an ability to see an ambitious project to the end.
However, this summer is looking good. I'm going to try and resolve NOT to adopt any new projects. Yeah, right.
With school culminating, it's time to look back on everything I've accomplished this year, within school and outside it.
Yeah, I've finished almost nothing I've set out to do. I have most of the parts for a mechanical TV and the guts of a single player piano motor module (of my own design, of course) sitting on my workshop desk, which is cluttered and filthy. I still haven't gotten a new soldering iron tip. I haven't read as many books as I had hoped, and there are half-finished papercrafts and origami too numerous to list littering my room. I've yet to pick up any etchant for my steampunk blinds project. I have a slide rule guide to post for NP that just needs some pictures MSPainted, and I haven't done that yet; there's also a music one that needs to be continued and a dictionary thing that I need to finish. It's stupid, but I can't help but feel depressed by my lack of an ability to see an ambitious project to the end.
However, this summer is looking good. I'm going to try and resolve NOT to adopt any new projects. Yeah, right.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Wallet moth
Yet again, I'm getting inspiration from Uncyclopedia.
Imagine a situation in which you need to pretend to be strapped for cash--a nillionaire, if you will. What better way to accomplish this than to open your wallet and display its emptiness? The answer, of course, is to open your wallet and watch as a live moth flutters out. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a wallet moth.
I designed several mechanisms to operate this device. There are actually two main parts: the moth corral, where non-working moths are kept alive, and the wallet itself.
First, the corral. It's a giant clear acrylic box. Near the top is a series of antechambers that allow the moth-rancher to remove or replace any number of moths at a time. Inside the actual corral, fine mesh keeps the moths breathing happily while still preventing escape. A device not unlike an aquarium pump supplies fresh food into the corral. This serves to eliminate the risk of losing moths when opening and closing the chambers to refill the food container.
Now then. The wallet itself. There are two pouches in this wallet. One is for money, and one is for the moth transporting device. The latter pouch handily obscures the former, so close inspection won't really reveal the fact that you are not, in fact, poor. the outer pouch seems empty except for a thin acrylic chamber at the very bottom of the pouch. Inside this chamber is a single moth (which one would have selected from the moth corral before going out about town) and a cotton ball doused with sugar water to keep the insect alive. The chamber itself is comprised of two halves connected by a small spring that keeps the chamber closed. The two halves are stitched into opposite sides of the wallet pouch, so when one opens the pouch, the halves dehisce and create an opening from which the moth can escape. The creature may require a little motivation (troubleshooting: try shaking the wallet or turning it upside-down) but it should hopefully escape eventually. Fly, flit away! Enjoy your freedom, my metaphor for abject poverty!
Also, keep away from open flame.
Imagine a situation in which you need to pretend to be strapped for cash--a nillionaire, if you will. What better way to accomplish this than to open your wallet and display its emptiness? The answer, of course, is to open your wallet and watch as a live moth flutters out. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a wallet moth.
I designed several mechanisms to operate this device. There are actually two main parts: the moth corral, where non-working moths are kept alive, and the wallet itself.
First, the corral. It's a giant clear acrylic box. Near the top is a series of antechambers that allow the moth-rancher to remove or replace any number of moths at a time. Inside the actual corral, fine mesh keeps the moths breathing happily while still preventing escape. A device not unlike an aquarium pump supplies fresh food into the corral. This serves to eliminate the risk of losing moths when opening and closing the chambers to refill the food container.
Now then. The wallet itself. There are two pouches in this wallet. One is for money, and one is for the moth transporting device. The latter pouch handily obscures the former, so close inspection won't really reveal the fact that you are not, in fact, poor. the outer pouch seems empty except for a thin acrylic chamber at the very bottom of the pouch. Inside this chamber is a single moth (which one would have selected from the moth corral before going out about town) and a cotton ball doused with sugar water to keep the insect alive. The chamber itself is comprised of two halves connected by a small spring that keeps the chamber closed. The two halves are stitched into opposite sides of the wallet pouch, so when one opens the pouch, the halves dehisce and create an opening from which the moth can escape. The creature may require a little motivation (troubleshooting: try shaking the wallet or turning it upside-down) but it should hopefully escape eventually. Fly, flit away! Enjoy your freedom, my metaphor for abject poverty!
Also, keep away from open flame.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Note to self: Attend this thing
A celebration of the world's B movies, including tips on how to write or act in your very own B movie. Sweeeet. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to cover bad kung-fu movies. Alack and alas.
I do expect many attendees to bring their own B-Movies to the event. Homemade stuff with names like "I Married a Monster" or "The Ethereal Marching Band of Tuskegee." If some people make a movie about ethereal marching bands of Tuskegee, I would worship them. Man that sounds fun.
Completely unrelated, I just learned that the proper spelling of that one thing people say when they hurtle over walls is "allez oup." Oh, those Frenchies.
I do expect many attendees to bring their own B-Movies to the event. Homemade stuff with names like "I Married a Monster" or "The Ethereal Marching Band of Tuskegee." If some people make a movie about ethereal marching bands of Tuskegee, I would worship them. Man that sounds fun.
Completely unrelated, I just learned that the proper spelling of that one thing people say when they hurtle over walls is "allez oup." Oh, those Frenchies.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Bob Woolmer wasn't murdered after all! Maybe cricket fans aren't as insane as I had originally depicted them. They're still insane, mind you, just less so.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Script Frenzy!
Today marks the start of Script Frenzy. I've already done a lot of writing today. This event may cause blag posts to become sparse and/or lame.
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