This was going to be a post about cats and pennies and such, but it's late and I'll save that for a time when I have more energy. Right now I'm at the very beginning of a new project: a mechanical television.
Other, bolder people could turn this device into something new and amazing. I'm probably going to take the lame route and not add anything new. If I were to add something new, it would be sound. That seems remarkably easy to do, but some stuff I've read seems to imply otherwise.
Anyway, mechanical TVs work by a single light source rapidly changing brightness to represent different shades of grey. Each instance of brightness is shone through a hole in a rapidly spinning disc, so that a little square appears in on the other side of the disc in the same shade as the light source. Do this 6400 times a second and you have a mechanical TV! The best part is that the information being sent requires no film, very low voltage, and can run for hours using only a CD player.
I should get started. So long, aetherweb!