Right. Imagine a capsule-toy machine that distributes little books. They'd be short and small, printed cheaply to cut down on costs (because who wants to pay upwards of 50¢ for anything that comes out of a toy machine?). There is potential for a huge variety of stories to print, which would expand the consumer's reading horizons. Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Snorri Sturluson, or...dag, I can't think of anyone right now. Pretend there's a much longer, more varied list in the previous sentence.
So, let's imagine that you get a book. We'll name it something completely at random: Schmuthering Schmeights by Schmemily Schmrontë. Now, let's imagine that you don't like the book. What do you do? You buy another book, hopefully one that's not a total piece of crap! After all, it's only another 50¢.