Wednesday, September 5, 2007

On Gangs

Alright, since I don't have enough ridiculous pursuits with which to waste my time, I'm going to continue fleshing out the idea of The Superfluous U's as a gang. We're a hyperlingual gang dedicated to confusing people, spreading pro-metric propaganda, and teaching bad words to children in foreign languages. Also, we find linguistics at least mildly thought provoking. All Superfluous U's must pick a sufficiently linguistic gangster name. I already claimed the diacritical mess mentioned below, and someone else (Hi ERTW!) is "circumflexxx," so you've got to avoid infringing on those names. The moment you pick a decent linguistic name and tell me about it, you are entered into the Superfluous U's. Then it's your duty as a gangster to go out there and confuse people, spread pro-metric propaganda, or teach bad words to children. Have fun!

Coming soon: A logo!